Heroes Roll Call: Our November Heroes

The Cleveland Police Museum in honored to tell the stories of our Fallen Officers on the anniversaries of their End of Watch. These officers made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting and serving the City of Cleveland. Learn their stories at www.clevelandpolicemuseum.org/heroes

Patrolman Leroy E. Bouker, #132
EOW 11/28/1912
Patrolman Edward M. Meany, #34
EOW 11/29/1916

Patrolman George E. Nadsady, #714
EOW 11/8/1918
Patrolman Frank J. Koran, #360
EOW 11/26/1921
Detective Edward W. Butler, #1039 EOW

Patrolman John T. Blaskovic, #1092
EOW 11/15/1944
Patrolman Roy W. Buckner, Jr., #319
EOW 11/11/1968

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