Heroes Roll Call: Our March Heroes

The Cleveland Police Museum in honored to tell the stories of our Fallen Officers on the anniversaries of their End of Watch. These officers made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting and serving the City of Cleveland. Learn their stories at www.clevelandpolicemuseum.org/heroes

Patrolman William P. Armstrong, #436
EOW 3/9/1919
Patrolman August Dyke, #738 EOW
Patrolman Albert Flemke, #803
EOW 3/22/1928

Patrolman Carl A. Sherman, #898
EOW 3/6/1929
Patrolman Herman B. Pahler, #177
EOW 3/8/1933
Patrolman George E. Effinger, #374
EOW 3/20/1933

Patrolman Otto J. Ziska, #475
EOW 3/31/1940
Patrolman Edgar S. Nagie, #1012
EOW 3/26/1958
Patrol Officer Stephen M. Kovach, #763
EOW 3/11/1984

Patrol Officer Thomas J. Smith, #1232
EOW 3/9/1993
Patrol Officer Derek W. Owens, #746
EOW 3/1/2008
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